On the February podcast we were joined by Shana Roberts from the Hough Multi-Purpose Center. She shared about her involvement in the Hough community, her work with the Famicos Foundation, and the services Hough Multi-Purpose Center provides.
The Winter 2022 issue of the Foundation is out now. Read about COVID vaccines, rental assistance and financial coaching, digital inclusion, and our Christmas toy giveaway.
On the January podcast we were joined by Cleveland Minority Organ & Tissue Transplant Education Program (MOTTEP) staff, Linda Kimble and Tiffany Stately. Kimble is the Cleveland MOTTEP Executive Director, and Stately is the Program Coordinator. They discussed organ donation, tissue donation, and Cleveland MOTTEP’s mission. They also talked about Cleveland MOTTEP’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts. Throughout the podcast we dove into the topics of differences in vaccination rates in suburban and non suburban areas, the benefits of getting the COVID-19 vaccine, and ways to determine what information regarding COVID-19 is true or false.
Famicos is proud to be one of 8 organizations nationwide to have received the USDA's Urban Agriculture grant. This 3-year grant supports us as we grow food for the community as well as educate on nutrition and the growing cycle.
Famicos is proud to be one of the first 5 pilot Community Development Corporations in the new Neighbor to Neighbor program. The program, overseen by Cleveland Neighborhood Progress and funded by Rocket Community Fund and the Cleveland Foundation, aims to bridge the digital divide in Cleveland.
Famicos is one of several affordable housing organizations who pivoted during the COVID pandemic to assist low-income communities to become vaccinated.
Famicos Foundation is proud to partner with Kaboom!, the Cleveland Foundation, and General Motors to create a new multi-sport court at Mary M Bethune School in Glenville, an $80,000 investment.
Famicos is one of 150 community-based organizations across the country and one of only five in the State of Ohio to receive a large grant from the CDC Foundation to support our work to increase vaccination numbers among African Americans and Asians in Cleveland.
In Ohio, only 77,000 African Americans have received their COVID vaccine while one million white Ohioans have received theirs. Famicos is on the front lines fighting yet another racial disparity.
It is with profound sadness that Famicos Foundation announces the sudden death of Justina Kwesiga on February 16, 2021. Justina worked as the Famicos Foundation Controller for many years, supporting the rapid growth of Famicos Foundation staff, affordable housing portfolio and programs & services.
Famicos is proud to be one of eight revitalization organizations across the country to receive a Committed to Serve grant from Republic Services Charitable Foundation. These grants will assist minority-owned small businesses impacted by COVID-19.
Famicos CARES: LegalWorks opens pathways to employment by sealing minor criminal records and outstanding warrants. Seal your record, open new doors, and unlock opportunities. Call us today: (216) 791-6476 or email legalworks@famicos.org